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An interdisciplinary study program at the University of Bayreuth

Elite Study Program Macromolecular Science within the Elite Network of Bavaria

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It is no longer possible to apply for the Elite Graduate Program Macromolecular Science!

The Elite Study Program – Macromolecular Science is designed for students with a bachelor degree in chemistry, biochemistry, physics, biology, material science or chemical engineering.

Above-average marks and an interest in neighboring fields of the own study course are considered prerequisites of a successful application.The elite study program explicitly invites international students to participate in their courses. All courses and seminars will be held in English. This will also prepare the participants for internationally competitive research.


If you would like to apply to the Elite Study Program - Macromolecular Science please send your application to the Study Program's office by September 1st.

Please download the application form here. application form:

Elite Study Program - Macromolecular Science
Office Macromolecular Chemistry I
University of Bayreuth, NW II
Universitaetsstr. 30
95447 Bayreuth

Your application for the Elite Study Program Macromolecular Science should consist of the following:

  • Application with a brief explanation why you decided to apply for the study program
  • Personal data sheet (tabular cv) with a passport photograph
  • School-leaving certificate/certificate for university matriculation (Hochschulzugangsberechtigung)
  • Certificates for your study achievements
  • Certificates for stays abroad, laboratory courses, language courses and other activities
  • Name and address of two university professors who may be contacted for further information

Assessment Procedure

The assessment procedure is in two stages. The pre-assessment is based on the students' written applications. In the second stage the selected candidates are judged on their personal and technical qualification in two selection interviews, each of which is carried out by two professors of the committee.

Webmaster: Univ.Prof.Dr. Hans-Werner Schmidt

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